+33.(0) | [email protected]
They include the foam blank, resin, fiberglass cloth and everything you will need to make a great board |
Ils comprennent le framekit (squelette), les plateaux dessus/dessous, les baguettes de rails et la colle PU |
You can choose from our 30 models catalog and customize the sizes you want : |
Or you can design your own board using the softwares SHAPE3D, AKUSHAPER, or BOARDCAD ! |
Simply download your board file and we will take care of it ! |
They include the foam blank, resin, fiberglass cloth and everything you will need to make a great board |
Ils comprennent le framekit (squelette), les plateaux dessus/dessous, les baguettes de rails et la colle PU |
You can choose from our 30 models catalog and customize the sizes you want : |
Or you can design your own board using the softwares SHAPE3D, AKUSHAPER, or BOARDCAD ! |
Simply download your board file and we will take care of it ! |
Assortiment de 4 feuilles abrasives pour shaping block velcro en grains 80-150-240-320
Assortiment de 4 feuilles abrasives pour shaping block en grains 80-150-240-320
Feuille abrasive équipée d'un velcro pour se fixer au shaping block S'H A/P ER" 11.8 cm x 28 cm
disponible en grains 40, 80, 150
Feuille abrasive network, sandscreen velcro souple (parfait pour le shape des rails ).
Compatible avec les Shaping Block S'H A/P ER" 11.8 cm x 28 cm